Video Setting

This section is to manage all your ready contents to upload to the channels

We can go step by step here below.

  1. Set >> How many times upload each video: You can put 1 as default or you can put multiple time for it.

  2. Set >> Upload limit for each channel: You can put the limit of the number of video

  3. Select the video folder you want to publish.

  1. Next >> You can select Not to use thumbnail or add your own thumbnails by select the folder that you placed thumbnails for all video. When you select the radio on From Folder, it will popup the browsing folder > you need to go to thumbnails folder and select it.

  2. Customize Title, Description of the video as you want. Here what you can customized by your own.

    • Title > You can use from file name or make a custom title on it.

    • You can custom description or leave blank

  3. You can at first comment and pin the comment at top. (See: Comment Pin Feature)

  4. Select publishing type: Private, Unlisted, Public or Schedule

For Schedule, you need further setup that require language updates (See: Youtube Channel Setting)

Last updated